In Uttar Pradesh’s Sonbhadra district, a minor rape victim from a village in the Duddhi police station area died at BHU Hospital in Varanasi on Tuesday evening. The 14-year-old student had been struggling between life and death for 20 days. The police have not yet arrested the accused in the case. The teacher, who is charged with the assault, has been on the run since the case was registered. The police have filed a case under the POCSO Act and formed teams to capture the accused.
Details of the Incident
The victim’s mother and aunt reported that the 14-year-old girl was an eighth-grade student at a local primary school. On December 30, the teacher, who was working as an instructor at the same school, called her to participate in sports activities and took her to his home. There, he assaulted her in his room and then took her to a two-day sports event in Ghorawal. The girl did not tell her family about the incident due to fear and shame. Her health gradually deteriorated, and despite various treatments, she did not improve.
Family’s Efforts and Accusations
The family sent the girl to a relative in Chhattisgarh for treatment, but her condition remained the same. It was only after the girl disclosed the assault to her aunt that her condition worsened, and she was admitted to BHU Hospital in Varanasi. Despite 20 days of treatment, she died on Tuesday evening.
The accused teacher reportedly tried to hush up the case by offering ₹30,000 to the victim’s family. Fearing social stigma, the family remained silent until the girl’s condition worsened, prompting her father to file a police report at Duddhi police station.
Police Response
The family filed a complaint on July 10. The accused, Vishwambhar, is a resident of Ballia. A case has been registered under POCSO and rape charges. Police are awaiting the postmortem report to proceed with further action. Despite several months having passed, the police have not yet apprehended the teacher.
The victim’s family claims that the teacher took the girl for a sports event and assaulted her, leading to her deteriorated health and eventual death. They believe the teacher should face strict action.
Police Statement
Police officer Pradeep Singh Chandel stated that a case has been registered under serious charges, and a notice for the accused’s arrest has been issued. The police are working to capture the accused as soon as possible.