Indian cricket team captain Rohit Sharma has always had a deep connection with his father, Gurunath Sharma. Their bond is strong, and Rohit often praises his father for his support. Gurunath Sharma played a key role in Rohit’s cricket journey, supporting him despite financial difficulties and ensuring he had everything he needed for cricket.
On Teachers’ Day, Rohit Sharma shared a video recalling his father’s impact on his life. In the video, Rohit explains how his father’s advice has shaped his career. Gurunath Sharma advised him, “No matter where you reach in life, keep your passion alive. Be an example for those around you.”
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Gurunath Sharma also said, “At your age now, people are giving you advice. But in the future, you will be in a position to give advice to others.” Rohit Sharma mentioned that he always aims to keep things simple and stay focused on his goals, despite distractions. He emphasized that staying centered is crucial for both personal success and for inspiring others.