Actor Karanveer Mehra emerged as the winner of Bigg Boss 18 on Sunday night. He defeated actor Vivian Dsena to win the coveted title. This is Karanveer’s second consecutive victory on a reality show. Before Bigg Boss 18, Karanveer won Khatron Ke Khiladi 14. After winning the trophy and Rs 50 lakh prize money, Karanveer spoke to SCREEN about his journey on Bigg Boss. The actor jokingly asked the channel to also announce a third reality show that he could win, so that he could complete his hat trick.
Talking about winning the Bigg Boss 18 title, Karanveer Mehra said, “I share this trophy with all those who have voted and loved me and of course the media who I have not paid.” He also added that he dedicated his victory to all the fans and friends who supported him tirelessly. “I have gotten used to winning, I want to have a hat-trick now. So please Colors TV announce another show now which I could win, maybe Laughter Chefs.”
Sharing his high and low points in the journey, Karanveer also added, “The task where I lifted Edin or trimmed Rajat’s beard were my high points. The low point was the roast I did with Vivian, I should have avoided that.” Further sharing about his bittersweet equation with his friend of 12 years Vivian Dsena, Karanveer said, “We had a lover’s spat on the show, actually both of our definitions of friendship are very different. He thought of me as a dearer friend and I was coming from a space where I thought he was getting things very easily. But now it’s a 100-day friendship.”
Having tasted success twice, when Karanveer was asked what it meant to him and how he dealt with it, Karanveer shared, “Take success with a pinch of salt, it teaches you nothing. I am glad that I failed a lot of times to reach here.”